Get in Touch 

Event Request

Have an event you want to publicize?  Submit your request here.

Your request will be sent to the LWV Alaska email account.  If approved, it will be posted within 3-5 business days.  Follow up will by thru  Please be sure to fill out the form completely.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Your name (This will not be posted publicly.)
Your Email
Your local league, LWV US, other non-profit, other for profit, other educational site, etc.
Include Local League sponsoring event after title. For example: Monthly Board Meeting (LWVJ)
Type of event (select all that apply)
Include MM/DD/YYYY and time am/pm AST or other. Be sure to include if this is Alaska time, or other.
Include MM/DD/YYYY and time am/pm AST or other. Be sure to include if this is Alaska time, or other. If not known, leave blank.
Use "Virtual" if this is a Zoom event, and include information in the description field below for how people can get information and how to attend links. Use "In Person" if this is a live event in a particular location, and be sure to include the address in description below.
Include a description of the event (this is your "sales pitch"), and details on how to participate--a zoom link or how to get the zoom link, if it is a virtual event. Please include address or physical location if this is an In-person event.
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