Answered Questions


What is the League of Women Voters of Alaska?

The League of Women Voters of Alaska is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. We never support or oppose any political party or candidate. The League encourages citizens to register and vote and to participate in government and politics. The League does this by sponsoring debates and providing nonpartisan information about voting procedures, candidates, and ballot issues. We are a grassroots organization made up of Alaskan volunteers committed to our core values of Empowering Voters and Defending Democracy.

How do I get involved with the Alaska LWV?

Easy!  Find the local Alaska League closest to you and join— or join as a Member at Large (MAL) – men are welcomed and encouraged to join as well.   We’d love to have you join us.  You can volunteer to help with voting, research a specific issue, help track legislation on voting issues, or even just march with us at a 4th of July parade.  Supporting the right to vote for every eligible voter is something everyone can can get behind.  Democracy works best when everyone’s voice is heard.

What’s the difference between a “local league” and the Alaska State League?

Alaska has 4 local leagues:  Anchorage, Juneau, Kenai Peninsula, and Tanana Valley.  We also have ‘members at large’ for those in other locations around Alaska.  All of these members belong to the Alaska State league as well.  The local leagues focus on local municipal elections, and local issues specific to each area.  The State League focuses on statewide and national elections, and statewide issues.  So whenever you join a local league, you can also join in with the State league as well

How can I find out more about Alaskan elections?

One primary goal of this website is to provide Alaskan voters a quick and easy way to find out more information on voting and voting issues.  Check out the Voter Tools  section which give more information on how our primary system works, how to vote for Ranked Choice Voting, how to find out whether you’re registered correctly, links to other relevant sites, and much more.  

How can I keep up with what the State Legislature is doing down in Juneau?

The Alaska LWV maintains an educational site called  This is the fastest and easiest way to monitor all of the bills and potential legislation relating to issues central to the League.  During the legislative session, we create a newsletter and post updates.  We also send out “Action Alerts” to our members telling them of opportunities to testify on upcoming legislation, ways to contact legislators to state your opinions, and events where we can gather.  Join a league and you join our mailing list to get easy access to all of this information and more.

How does the League determine what programs and issues to support?

The LWV of Alaska is nonpartisan but we do take action on our positions thru advocacy.  Complete facts and pros and cons are researched before consensus and action. Members study and discuss the issues in small units so that everyone has an opportunity to express an opinion.  We then create and update our programs and our members agree before we take action. Advocacy includes working with our State Legislators, testifying at public hearings, League Newsletters, Action Alerts to our members, letters to our local officials, and participating in public forums and panel discussions.

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