Become A Member
You can help our democracy flourish!
Volunteers are vital to our success. There are plenty of ways to get involved with the League depending on your interest, skills, and availability. You can volunteer at the local league level and work on local issues, or volunteer with the state organization and work with us on Statewide issues such as advocacy around the State Legislature.
Many of our members help support our elections by serving as poll workers, helping to monitor the counting of votes. This is a great way to gain confidence over how our elections are held and the security and controls that surround the election process.
Maybe your interest is in legislation, or a focus on local issues. Perhaps you would like to help ensure voting rights, or post to social media? If so, we could use your help. Or maybe you have only a little time every so often, and would be willing to “volunteer from home” by writing letters. Every effort is appreciated. We need YOU!