2024 LWVUS Convention: The View of a Virtual Delegate

As a virtual delegate to the 2024 LWVUS Convention, this was my second experience at the national convention and the first in virtual mode.  Initially I wondered about the challenge of making the convention accessible virtually, expecting that there would be several...

2024 LWVUS Convention: A Juneau Delegates Story

League of Women Voters United States Convention – 2024 27- 30 June 2024 Washington  DC   I am grateful for the opportunity to attend this convention as a Virtual Delegate for the League of Women Voters Juneau, Alaska. The convention was basically divided in two...

Why Ranked Choice Voting?

CBJ’s October, 2023 Assembly Election Juneau’s 2023 Municipal Election was a great reminder that Ranked Choice Voting is the right way to conduct elections.  Why?  After years of trying to find people to run for Assembly, this year there were 10 candidates for...

Health Care Reform Update

Healthcare in Alaska:  The following is the LWVUS position on Health Care from the “Impact on Issues” publication: The League’s Position GOALS: The League of Women Voters of the United States believes that a basic level of quality health care at an...

Why support the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPV) ?

What is the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact? “The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact (NPV) is a multi-state agreement that, when active, would ensure that the presidential candidate who wins the popular vote nationally also wins in the Electoral...
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