February 2024 – Lunch with the League (L/w/L)

Friday, February 16, 2024 12:00 – 1:00 pm

Election Legislation – Hear from Michael Garvey, Advocacy Director of the ACLU of Alaska

Michael Garvey, Advocacy Director of the ACLU of Alaska, will speak to us from Juneau and give us fresh-from-the-halls-of-the-Capitol news of current legislation about elections. 

ACLU Alaska represents LWV-AK in our ongoing law suit with the Arctic Village Council  and two individuals to give our state a ballot curing process for mail-in ballots. 

Take an hour on Friday,  Elizabeth Peratrovich Day, to honor our Alaska  civil rights  leader by learning what our legislature is doing– or not –to advance voting legislation that protects our right to vote.

Come and listen, ask questions, and see what Lunch with  League is all about. 

Register in advance for this meeting:

Contact the LWV of Alaska for more information.

Not a member? Join us!

October 3
7:00 am — 8:00 pm (13h)

Statewide, Zoom

Alaska LWV

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